"Horseshoe Bend - AZ Natural Series" by ICBMatt Picture taken on 6/30/2014
"Horseshoe Bend - AZ Natural Series" by ICBMatt Picture taken on 6/30/2014. Picture Specs: F-stop 4, IS0: 100 Exposure Time: 1/200 Sec, Focal Length: 24mm, Camera Canon EOS 5D MKII, Lens: Canon L 24-105mm F4.
Size: 30X20 inch lustre offer the best of both worlds the color saturation of glossy finish with the fingerprint resistance of matte. Shipped anywhere in the USA. Profits will be reinvested into more lens and gear to take better pictures of all the products we sell and all the events we attend. Again, thank you for all your support of all my endeavors.